kings park中文什么意思

发音:   用"kings park"造句
  • king:    n. 1.王,国王,君主 (opp. ...
  • park:    n. 1.公园,…场。 2.圃囿;【 ...
  • kings canyon national park:    金斯河谷国家公园; 三王峡谷国家公园
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  1. Longwangmiao . jianghan district , wuhan city 0km to the city center ; 20kms to the railway station ; 30kms to the airport ; 25kms to the exhibition centre ; 1kms to the port ; 10kms to the long - distance bus station ; surrounding landscape : hankow jiangtan park , jianghanlu pedestrian street , temple of the dragon king park , hanzheng street costumes , shoes wholesale market


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